30th Holiday Benevolence Market, Online thru December 31
Hosted by Covenant Presbyterian Church (1065 Gaines School Road, Athens, GA. 30605), choose meaningful and symbolic gifts on the shopping lists of 30+ non-profit mission partners. This market is specifically designed to share the vision and work of the incredible non-profit organizations all over Athens doing amazing work. It is also designed for teaching our children and grandchildren about how simple acts of generosity can make such a great impact and how we are blessed to be a blessing.
Thank you to all who attended the HBM in person at Covenant Presbyterian Church on December 8. If you were not able to attend the Market in-person, you can purchase your symbolic gifts online at this link through December 31, 2024: https://forms.gle/mNj14CPFVsHFQL3J6
For more information and questions, please contact Rev. Amy Baer at abaer@covpresathens.org.